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12 records found
MARTINI model for physisorption of organic molecules on graphite
Journal article (2013) -
C. Gobbo
I Beurroies
D.J. de Ridder
R. Eelkema
SJ Marrink
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
AH de Vries
Preprogrammed 2D foldiing of conformationally flexible oligoamides: foldamers with multiple turn elements
Journal article (2012) -
C. Gobbo
M. Li
KS Mali
J.H. van Esch
S de Feyter
Controlling the position of functional groups at the liquid/solid interface: impact of molecular symmetry and chirality
Journal article (2011) -
I de Cat
C. Gobbo
B Van Averbeke
R Lazzaroni
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Molecular patterning at a liquid/solid interface: the foldamer approach
Journal article (2011) -
M. Li
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
R. Eelkema
B Van Averbeke
R Lazzaroni
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Precise positioning of functional elements in nanopatterns by self-assembly
Poster (2010) -
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
M. Li
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Molecular patterning of solid-liquid interfaces with self-assembling monolayers
Poster (2009) -
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
M. Li
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Molecular patterning of solid-liquid interfaces with foldamers
Poster (2009) -
C. Gobbo
M. Li
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Molecular patterning of solid-liquid interfaces with foldamers
Abstract (2009) -
C. Gobbo
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Design, synthesis and self-assembly in organic monolayers of a novel class of foldamers
Poster (2008) -
C. Gobbo
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Design, Synthesis and Patterning in Organic Monolayers of a novel class of Diamides
Poster (2007) -
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
S de Feyter
AMA Brizard
MCA Stuart
J.H. van Esch
Design, Synthesis and Patterning in Organic Monolayers of a novel class of Diamides
Poster (2007) -
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
S de Feyter
AMA Brizard
MCA Stuart
J.H. van Esch
Towards supramolecular electronics
Journal article (2004) -
APHJ Schenning
P Jonkheijm
RH Friend
D Beljonne
A Miura
S de Feyter
M Zdanowska
H Uji-i
FC De Schryver
Zhuoyao Chen
F Wuerthner
M Mas-Torrent
FJM Hoeben
D den Boer
M Durkut
P Hadley
J van Herrikhuyzen
SCJ Meskers
EW Meijer
LM Herz
C Daniel
L.C. Silva
RT Phillips