
O.N. de Haas

3 records found


Formal verification of imperative programs can be carried out on paper by annotating programs to obtain an outline of a proof in the style of Hoare. This process has been mechanized by the introduction of Separation Logic and computer assisted verification tools. However, the too ...

Stop Boiling the Oceans

A Review on Energy Efficient Proof of Work Alternatives

Bitcoin’s underlying consensus algorithm, Proof of Work, is of inefficient nature. Due to the sheer size that Bitcoin has grown to over the recent years, power consumption has increased so much that the Bitcoin network has been estimated to consume more power than the whole count ...

Customer Verification Engine

Automated Customer Verification for a Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform

There is a lot involved in providing a loan as a company, mostly in terms of legalities and risk management. As a lender it is important to have a clear record of the customers applying for a loan, as this helps assessing the risk that comes with providing a loan. Furthermore, it ...