Frederika Welle Donker

81 records found


Urban dog spaces

The openness of dog-related government data in the city of Zagreb, Croatia

Dogs and dog owners are increasingly present in modern urban spaces, and the construction and maintenance of urban infrastructure that includes places for them has become standard in most major cities. We wanted to investigate the extent to which the City of Zagreb is adhering to ...

Open Data Developments, Opportunities and Challenges in Europe

Lessons learned from Open Data best practices in 2022

As part of the Twinning Open Data Operational (TODO) Project, a series of virtual and physical site visits were organized in 2021 and 2022 as part of the Capacity Building Work Package. The goal of the site visits was to increase the knowledge of the TODO Consortium partners and ...
Over the last decade, open data has become a hot topic that researchers and governments all over the world are eager to explore. The term first appeared in a 1995 document from an American scientific agency (Chignard, 2013), but its popularity increased when the U.S. president, B ...
As we advance technologically, spatial data gains importance with its ability to be used in various fields. Traditionally, most spatial data are collected by government organisations. To facilitate sharing and reuse of spatial data, Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) have been d ...

Hergebruikers van open data in beeld

Onderzoek i.o.v. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties

Het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK) investeert veel in het verbeteren van de ontsluiting van open data. Met de NL DIGITAAL Data Agenda Overheid laat het ministerie van BZK ook zien dat er een duidelijke ambitie is om de burgers en ondernemers centra ...
This paper introduces the Open Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Assessment Framework as a new approach for assessing the openness of SDIs. Open SDIs are SDIs in which non-government actors such as businesses, citizens, researchers and non-profit organizations can contribute to t ...
Onderzoek AMS E-GOS Local Governance modellen van open data bij gemeenten en de performatie van open data. In 2017 is het Kenniscentrum Open Data begonnen met het project ‘Effective Governance of Open Spatial data’ (E-GOS) Local. Het E-GOS Local onderzoeksproject was een uitbrei ...

Overheid en “sociale” locatiedata

Een verkennend onderzoek naar de stand van social media (locatie)data gebruik Nederlandse overheid

Het doel van de verkenning is het uitbouwen en verspreiding van kennis over het gebruik van ‘sociale’ locatiegegevens door de overheid. Tijdens de verkenning wordt inzicht gegeven in de rol die locatiedata van sociale media en aan sociale media gerelateerde applicaties spelen bij ...
Since 2009, Open Government Data initiatives have been launched worldwide and the concept of open data is gaining momentum. Open data are often associated with realizing ambitions, such as a more transparent and efficient government, solving societal problems and increased econom ...

From Access to Re-use

A user's perspective on public sector availability

Availability of public sector (geo-)information is essential for effective and efficient government policy-making. In addition, it is also associated with realising other ambitions, such as a more transparent and accountable government, more citizens’ participation in democratic ...

Open data beoordelingsraamwerk

Deel: review kosten-batenanalyses

Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.@en

Open data and beyond II

Measuring the impact and modelling the data


Risk, Resettlement, & Renewal

Mitigating the displacement of vulnerable São Paulo residents from areas of ecological risk without proper infrastructure

As the Global South continues to rapidly urbanize, finding affordable and sustainable housing solutions is paramount. The Global Housing Graduation studio provides the opportunity to design new housing typologies through environmental and social lenses. São Paulo’s challenges wit ...
Geographic Information (GI) has proven its value with its ability to be used in various fields, which left numerous questions about how this data should be stored, used, and managed. To facilitate the sharing and reuse of spatial data, Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) emerged ...
The Indonesian government mentioned the urge to accelerate the process of providing detailed spatial plan maps. Moreover, to have one standard of reference, detailed spatial plan maps need to use large-scale (1:5.000) base maps as reference. Furthermore, the Indonesian government ...

Safe and Sound

The Influence of Architecture on the Social Safety and Individuality of Elderly

Current elderly housing in the Netherlands is not suited for the needs of the elderly. There is not one type of elderly, but many, all with different needs. A problem lies with one of the groups: anonymous elderly. Even though socially isolated elderly think they are happy, socia ...

Together, Self-reliant

Unfolding the possibilities

This research is about the meaning of self-reliant living and what the physical environment can bring to improve this, with as main research question;
In what ways can architecture encourage elderly to become more self-reliant. The research is conducted through fieldwork obse ...

A change of view

Usable interface design propositions for geoportals

Nowadays, lots of geo-information (GI) is openly available. The value of this information lies in its use. Geoportals play an important part in allowing users to discover and access suitable data for their use cases. However, the user-friendliness of these geoportals is not as it ...

Encounter of Unknown

Indeterminate Public Space

What are the preconditions for aleatory occurrence of social interaction? Can unexpected public activities be catalyzed by specific spatial characteristic? The objective of the thesis is to explore the flexibility, mobility and adaptiveness in architecture and urban domain throug ...


A public building connecting different target groups with multiple activities

This graduation report researches what a public condenser can contribute in the neigbhourhood Vesterbro in Copenhagen. Research is done in what subjects a public building can play a role. What positive impulses can it provide in this neighbourhood. In short: Why is a public build ...