Alexander Y. Merkel
45 records found
“Candidatus Siderophilus nitratireducens”
A putative nap-dependent nitrate-reducing iron oxidizer within the new order Siderophiliales
The authors regret that there is a mistake in the strain collection number: instead of UQ 51487 it should be UQM 51487 in the protologue Table 3 of their paper. The corrected protologue Table is presented below.
@enphylogenomic analysis, and represent a distant novel ...
Methanonatronarchaeia represents a deep-branching phylogenetic lineage of extremely halo(alkali)philic and moderately thermophilic methyl-reducing methanogens belonging to the phylum Halobacteriota. It includes two genera, the alkaliphilic Methanonatronarchaeum and the neutrop ...
Reclassification of the genus Natronolimnobius
Proposal of two new genera, Natronolimnohabitans gen. nov. to accommodate Natronolimnobius innermongolicus and Natrarchaeobaculum gen. nov. to accommodate Natronolimnobius aegyptiacus and Natronolimnobius sulfurireducens
An anaerobic enrichment with CO from sediments of hypersaline soda lakes resulted in a methane-forming binary culture, whereby CO was utilized by a bacterium and not the methanogenic partner. The bacterial isolate ANCO1 forms a deep-branching phylogenetic lineage at the level ...
Methanogenic enrichments from hypersaline lakes at moderate thermophilic conditions have resulted in the cultivation of an unknown deep lineage of euryarchaeota related to the class Halobacteria. Eleven soda lake isolates and three salt lake enrichment cultures were methyl-red ...
Methanogenic archaea are major players in the global carbon cycle and in the biotechnology of anaerobic digestion. The phylum Euryarchaeota includes diverse groups of methanogens that are interspersed with non-methanogenic lineages. So far, methanogens inhabiting hypersaline e ...