Gaspard Clerc
4 records found
Time to failure analysis of wood adhesives
A non-linear approach based on chemical reaction kinetics
Similar to wood, adhesives may exhibit duration of load effects. When loaded for longer periods of time, damage processes in the material may develop, eventually leading to failure. From wood research it is known that load level, temperature and relative humidity have an importan
It is generally assumed that the properties of wood against fatigue are good, but little is known about the properties of adhesively bonded wood, which represents today most of the wood-based products. Lap-shear samples glued with three common wood adhesives [two ductile one-comp
The feasibility of using the modified Hartman–Schijve (HS) equation to analyze the fatigue fracture performance of adhesively bonded wood specimens under cyclic mode II loading was investigated in comparison with the Paris crack growth equation. Wood joints prepared with three ...
In this paper, acoustic emission (AE) signals obtained during quasi-static crack propagation in adhesively bonded beech wood were classified using an unsupervised pattern recognition method. Two ductile one-component polyurethane (1C-PUR) adhesives with the same formulation excep