Adam Candy

23 records found


Shallow tropical bays in the Caribbean, like Orient Bay and Galion Bay in Saint Martin, are often sheltered by coral reefs. In the relatively calm environment behind the reefs, seagrass meadows grow. Together, these ecosystems provide valuable ecosystem services like coastal p ...

Maintaining Tropical Beaches with Seagrass and Algae

A Promising Alternative to Engineering Solutions

Tropical beaches provide coastal flood protection, income from tourism, and habitat for flagship species. They urgently need protection from erosion, which is being exacerbated by changing climate and coastal development. Traditional coastal engineering solutions are expensive, p ...
Global oceanic pH is lowering, which is causing great concern for the natural functioning of marine ecosystems. Current pH predictions are based on open ocean models; however, coastal zones are dynamic systems with seawater pH fluctuating temporally and spatially. To understand h ...

Predicting the impact of sea-level rise in Baie Orientale and Baie de L'Embouchure, Saint Martin

Application of a hydrodynamic model including seagrass and coral reefs

Shallow bays in the Caribbean, like Baie Orientale and Baie de L'Embouchure in Saint Martin, are often sheltered by coral reefs and covered by seagrass meadows. They provide valuable services as tourism and coastal protection. The ecosystems are linked through biological, chemica ...

Shingle 2.0

Generalising self-consistent and automated domain discretisation for multi-scale geophysical models

The approaches taken to describe and develop spatial discretisations of the domains required for geophysical simulation models are commonly ad hoc, model- or application-specific, and under-documented. This is particularly acute for simulation models that are flexible in their ...

The Yucatan Channel connects the Caribbean Sea with the Gulf of Mexico and is the main outflow region of the Caribbean Sea. Moorings in the Yucatan Channel show high-frequent variability in kinetic energy (50–100 days) and transport (20–40 days), but the physical mechanisms contr ...
Renewable energy is the cornerstone of preventing dangerous climate change whilst main- taining a robust energy supply. Tidal energy will arguably play a critical role in the renewable energy portfolio as it is both predictable and reliable, and can be put in place across the glo ...

Jamaica is one of the few remaining countries in the Caribbean region with an abundant population of Lobatus gigas (queen conch) able to sustain a lucrative fishery. Efforts to understand and maintain queen conch populations must involve an investigation into genetic connectiv ...

Large-scale changes in ocean conditions caused by installing and operating Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) have not been studied in depth. Conversely, the effect on an OTEC plant by oceanographic features are not researched in depth either. The aim of this research is to d ...
A new approach to modelling free surface flows is developed that enables, for the first time, 3D consistent non-hydrostatic baroclinic physics that wets and drys in the large aspect ratio spatial domains that characterise geophysical systems. This is key in the integration of phy ...
In this paper we present the Oceanographic Multipurpose Software Environment (OMUSE). OMUSE aims to provide a homogeneous environment for existing or newly developed numerical ocean simulation codes, simplifying their use and deployment. In this way, numerical experiments that co ...
The Dutch Caribbean consists of two island groups, the Leeward Antilles off the Venezuelan coast separated from the Windward Islands east of Puerto Rico over distances of the scale of the Caribbean Sea itself. Climate change in the Caribbean Sea is predicted to lead to rising sea ...
The Self Contained Autonomous Microstructure Profiler (SCAMP) is a free falling instrument, capable of measuring high-resolution profiles of temperature, salinity and fluorescence in the upper 100m. The falling velocity is controlled by moderating the buoyancy of the SCAMP with d ...
The Kralendijk Declaration is the outcome of the conference on "Coastal Dynamics and Ecosystem Change: Caribbean, Quo Vadis?" that was held on Bonaire, October 18-21 2016.@en
Computational simulations of physical phenomena rely on an accurate discretisation of model domains. Numerical models have increased in sophistication to a level where it is possible to support terrain-following boundaries that conform accurately to real physical interfaces, an ...
Recent observational studies (Jenkins et al. 2010 [1] and Dutrieux et al. 2013 [2]) have helped to constrain estimates of the melt behaviour underneath Pine Island Glacier (PIG) ice shelf, in western Antarctica. Generally however, observations are limited, due to the relatively i ...
This talk will give a brief introduction to OMUSE, the Oceanographic Multipurpose Software Environment, which is currently being developed. OMUSE is a Python framework that provides high-level object-oriented interfaces to existing or newly developed numerical ocean simulation co ...
We introduce the Oceanographic Multipurpose Software Environment ( OMUSE): an open source framework for oceanographic simulation codes developed at the IMAU (Utrecht) using coupling technology developed at Leiden Observatory (Leiden). OMUSE aims to provide a homogeneous environme ...


Predicting the impact of sea-level rise in Baie Orientale and Baie de L'Embouchure, Saint Martin

Application of a hydrodynamic model including seagrass and coral reefs

Shallow bays in the Caribbean, like Baie Orientale and Baie de L'Embouchure in Saint Martin, are often sheltered by coral reefs and covered by seagrass meadows. They provide valuable services as tourism and coastal protection. The ecosystems are linked through biological, chemica ...
Large-scale changes in ocean conditions caused by installing and operating Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) have not been studied in depth. Conversely, the effect on an OTEC plant by oceanographic features are not researched in depth either. The aim of this research is to d ...