Circular economy principles are gaining attention in the Netherlands. Industries, consumers and the Dutch government feel increased responsibility to tackle barriers to sustainable development. The government is increasing its investments to stimulate consumers to live more susta
Circular economy principles are gaining attention in the Netherlands. Industries, consumers and the Dutch government feel increased responsibility to tackle barriers to sustainable development. The government is increasing its investments to stimulate consumers to live more sustainably and companies that develop circular products are established. Industry, however, seems to fall behind on this. Engaging in industrial symbiosis could be an easy start for industries to become more sustainable. Not having to adjust their production processes, merely replacing raw materials with residual materials, creates a low threshold. To enhance the environmental performance of industries, the use of industrial symbiosis thus needs to increase.
Research focussed on the development of industrial symbiosis mainly focusses on geographic proximity. By discarding geographic proximity and focussing on regional networks, more opportunities could be spotted and more synergies realized. Especially when this is combined with a bottom-up approach. However, lack in coordination to create these synergies is a huge drawback for IS development according to literature. Establishing a bottom-up facilitation-brokerage network can tackle this issue. Key in this network is the network manager, the private facilitator. Literature shows, however, that a clear approach for a facilitator to develop an industrial symbiosis network is missing. Given the important role of network manager, this strategic policy should be developed.
This study provides an analytical tool which private facilitators can use to support their decision-making in coordinating an industrial symbiosis network. A combination of business process modelling and stage-gate theory have led to the development of a schematic overview and an Excel model. By identifying the processes, the private facilitator needs to consider, he can actively engage in the development of an industrial symbiosis network in the Netherlands. This moves the circular economy forwards.