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Mobility patterns and transport systems have been heavily impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public transport is impacted heavily, as governments worldwide advised against using it. This paper presents the data collection effort initiated by NS (Dutch Railways) and Delft U ...
Het verduurzamen van de mobiliteitssector is een essentieel onderdeel van de transitie naar een klimaat- en CO2-neutrale samenleving. Voor verplaatsingen die te lang zijn voor actieve vervoerwijzen (lopen, fietsen, …), is het openbaar vervoer over het algemeen het meest duurzame
Teleworking during COVID-19 in the Netherlands
Understanding behaviour, attitudes, and future intentions of train travellers
With the arrival of COVID-19 in the Netherlands in Spring 2020 and the start of the “intelligent lockdown”, daily life changed drastically. The working population was urged to telework as much as possible. However, not everyone had a suitable job for teleworking or liked telew ...
Studies all over the world have been performed during Covid-19 to investigate the characteristics of anxious public transport travellers and the reduction in public transport usage. This indicates that reduction in public transport usage related to anxiety from Covid-19 is a prob
Tijdens de ‘intelligente lockdown’ zag NS het aantal treinreizigers kelderen met maar liefst 93 procent. Dat is een ramp op zich. Maar de ov-organisatie vraagt zich ook bezorgd af wat al die klanten in de toekomst gaan doen. Om dat scherp te krijgen, benaderden NS en TU Delft het
Improving railway passengers experience
Two perspectives
This paper describes two perspectives to improve the passenger experience. The passenger satisfaction pyramid is introduced, consisting of the base of the pyramid (dissatisfiers) focusing on time well saved and the top of the pyramid (satisfiers) aiming at time well spent. The ch
De reiziger centraal stellen in treinnetwerken, busdienstregelingen en tramexploitatie valt nog niet mee. Het vergt kennis van meerdere disciplines. Die kwamen onlangs samen in Barcelona op de European Transport Conference. De deelnemers zetten een eerste stap, want het samenbren
Station Crowd Redistribution and Pandemic Resilience
Access and Egress-Based Solutions to Station Crowding
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on public transportation. With ridership figures decreasing, it has brought a new sense of urgency to the old problem of crowding. Using a structured design approach, this paper presents the results of a project which set out to