Clémentine Cottineau

31 records found


Agent-based models (ABMs) are increasingly utilized in ecology and related fields, yet concerns persist regarding the lack of consideration for lessons learned from previous models. This study explores the potential of systematically conducted ABM reviews to contribute to cumulat ...

This special issue of Environment and Planning B focuses on Spatial Inequalities and Cities. As the world progresses to almost a fully urban state, locations, networks, and access shape the everyday lives lived in cities, alongside being the movers and shapers of the future of ...

Cities are so complex that we constantly build models to represent them, understand them and attempt to plan them. Models represent a middle ground between the singular configurations of cities and universal theories. This is what makes them valuable and prone to circulate (betwe ...

Gentrification is a process whereby neighbourhoods and their socio-economic composition upgrade through residential moves and social mobility. Relatively little attention has been paid to the spatial aspect of gentrification-induced residential moves. This systematic literatur ...

La négociation d’« entreprise » en pratiques

Pluralité des configurations et stratégies des acteurs

La promotion de la négociation collective d’entreprise est au cœur des réformes successives du système français de relations professionnelles. L’objectif affiché est celui de l’instauration d’une régulation de proximité, permettant de construire des compromis efficaces entre la d ...

What Is Emerging?

Understanding Urbanisation Dynamics in BRICS Countries Through a Geographical Approach, the Case of Russia and South Africa

In this chapter, we discuss the emerging features of urbanisation in two BRICS countries (Russia and South Africa) by bringing together the different meanings of the concept of emergence in development economics and in complexity science. The objective of this cross-investigation ...

Decentralisation Versus Territorial Inequality

A Comparative Review of English City Region Policy Discourse

The most recent English attempts at decentralisation take the shape of the city region devolution policy agenda. Decentralisation claims to empower localities and address regional growth imbalances, while creating a variety of new temporary and selective fiscal and geographic arr ...
Bibliometrics have become commonplace and widely used by authors and journals to monitor, to evaluate and to identify their readership in an ever-increasingly publishing scientific world. This contribution introduces a multi-method corpus analysis tool, specifically conceived for ...

Are the absent always wrong?

Dealing with zero values in urban scaling

Both theoretical and empirical studies have shown the ability of scaling laws to reveal processes of emergence in urban systems. Nevertheless, a controversy about the robustness of results obtained with these models on empirical cases remains, regarding for instance the definitio ...

The Old and the New

Qualifying City Systems in the World with Classical Models and New Data

Zipf's rank-size rule, lognormal distribution, and Gibrat's urban growth models are considered as summarizing fundamental properties of systems of cities. In this article, they are used as statistical benchmarks for comparing the shapes of urban hierarchies and evolutionary trend ...


A dynamic meta-analysis of city size distributions

The results from urban scaling in recent years have held the promise of increased efficiency to the societies who could actively control the distribution of their cities’ size. However, little evidence exists as to the factors which influence the level of urban unevenness, as exp ...
Scaling laws are powerful summaries of the variations of urban attributes with city size. However, the validity of their universal meaning for cities is hampered by the observation that different scaling regimes can be encountered for the same territory, time and attribute, depen ...
Bien que l’urbanisation de l’ex-URSS représente une expérience historique unique, cet article questionne la possibilité de distinguer la part des processus généraux de croissance des villes, de leur localisation et de leur spécialisation, de la part des processus particuliers lié ...
The demographic shrinkage of Russia, as measured by harmonized data on different geographical scales, appears unprecedented, geographically and historically. Using multivariate and multilevel statistical analysis, we show that shrinkage in cities is associated with different urba ...

Growing Models from the Bottom Up

An Evaluation-Based Incremental Modelling Method (EBIMM) Applied to the Simulation of Systems of Cities

This paper presents an incremental method of parsimonious modelling using intensive and quantitative evaluation. It is applied to a research question in urban geography, namely how well a simple and generic model of a system of cities can reproduce the evolution of Soviet urbanis ...
For the first time the systems of cities in seven countries or regions among the largest in the world (China, India, Brazil, Europe, the Former Soviet Union (FSU), the United States and South Africa) are made comparable through the building of spatio-temporal standardised statist ...
In this paper, we present a modelling experiment developed to study systems of cities and processes of urbanisation in large territories over long time spans. Building on geographical theories of urban evolution, we rely on agent-based models to 1) formalise complementary and alt ...

An intermediate system

Trajectories of Russian cities between general dynamics and specific histories

After testing the validity of the concept of city systems in the Russian context, we assessed interest of several urban models in apprehending Russian cities and comparing them with other city systems. Gibrat's model, for instance, showed an interesting ability to describe the me ...
Cet article s’intéresse au processus de métropolisation qui affecte la Russie, avec l’exemple de la ville frontalière de Rostov-sur-le-Don. Il s’agit de déterminer dans quelle mesure cette ville participe au mouvement de métropolisation, tout en analysant le système urbain avec l ...


Forgotten Lands

A Post-growth perspective on the management of heritage and infrastructure in the Soria region.

This project explores the implications of the decline of rural areas and small urban environments in the Spanish countryside. While the growing urban cores seem to be more economically relevant for institutions, the unrepresented residents along with the rich natural and cultural ...