Ellen Saada

5 records found


We consider the symmetric simple exclusion process in Zd with quenched bounded dynamic random conductances and prove its hydrodynamic limit in path space. The main tool is the connection, due to the self-duality of the process, between the invariance principle for s ...

We show that in Abelian sandpiles on infinite Galton–Watson trees, the probability that the total avalanche has more than t topplings decays as t- 1 / 2. We prove both quenched and annealed bounds, under suitable moment conditions. Our proofs are based on an analysi ...

We prove that the Abelian sandpile model on a random binary and binomial tree, as introduced in Redig, Ruszel, and Saada [J. Stat. Phys. 147, 653-677 (2012)], is not critical for all branching probabilities p < 1; by estimating the tail of the annealed survival time of a random w ...
The discrete height abelian sandpile model was introduced by Bak, Tang, Wiesenfeld and Dhar as an example for the concept of self-organized criticality. When the model is modified to allow grains to disappear on each toppling, it is called bulk-dissipative. We provide a detailed ...
We study the abelian sandpile model on a random binary tree. Using a transfer matrix approach introduced by Dhar and Majumdar, we prove exponential decay of correlations, and in a small supercritical region (i.e., where the branching process survives with positive probability) ex ...