Federico Pettazzi

8 records found


For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, free-space optical (FSO) communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites is likely to replace conventional RF links. To mitigate atmospheric turbulence, TNO and DLR p ...

For the next generation of very high throughput communication satellites, TNO and DLR envision optical free-space communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites to replace the traditional RF links. To mitigate atmospheric turbulence, an Adapt ...
TNO and DLR envision optical free-space communication between ground stations and geostationary telecommunication satellites to replace the traditional RF links for the next generation of Very High Throughput Satellites. To mitigate atmospheric turbulence, an Adaptive Optics (AO) ...
Optical communications will complement radio frequency (RF) communications in the coming decades to enhance throughput, power efficiency and link security of satellite communication links. To enable optical communications technology for intersatellite links and (bi-directional) g ...

This paper presents the activities performed by TNO in the field of Space Laser Communication Terminals for high-volume low cost applications, and its plans for the further development of the required technologies for space terminals with particular emphasis on highly reliable ...

To overcome data rate limitations of RF communication links with satellites, TNO and DLR envision optical free-space communication feeder links for next generation high throughput satellites. This paper provides a feasibility assessment of such links and the technology needed. Th ...


Laser communication offers high data rates and more bandwidth capacity compared to radio but is also advantageous in terms of power and volume. However, the required pointing accuracy and atmospheric influence pose stringent requirements on the system which form the main challeng ...
The average worldwide internet traffic demand in 2022 is projected to be over 1200 Terabits per second. A fifth of this data would be transmitted using mobile networks. One of the technologies used for this is radio frequency (RF) telecommunication, but this technology is reachin ...