In recent years, Quantum Computing has gone from theory to a promising reality, leading to quantum chips that in a near future might be able to exceed the computational power of any current supercomputer. For this to happen, there are some problems that must be overcome. For exam
In recent years, Quantum Computing has gone from theory to a promising reality, leading to quantum chips that in a near future might be able to exceed the computational power of any current supercomputer. For this to happen, there are some problems that must be overcome. For example, in a quantum processor qubits are usually arranged in a 2D architecture with limited connectivity between them and in which only nearest-neighbour interactions are allowed. This restricts the execution of two-qubit gates and requires qubit to be moved to adjacent positions. Quantum algorithms, which are described as quantum circuits, neglect the quantum chip constraints and therefore cannot be directly executed. This is known as the mapping problem. This thesis focuses on the problem of mapping quantum algorithms into a quantum chip based on spin qubits, called the crossbar architecture. In this project we have developed the required compiler support (mapping) for making quantum circuits executable on the crossbar architecture based on the tools provided by OpenQL. Using this compiler, we have analyzed the mapping overhead of the crossbar architecture and studied how it relates to the characteristics of quantum algorithms. In addition, we have developed a verification program that checks the output of the compiler and provides a visualisation tool for debugging.