Paul Swuste
222 records found
Drawings, Posters and Metaphors in Safety Science
Some Historical Remarks
Predicting major hazard accidents by monitoring their barrier systems
A validation in retrospective
OCI Nitrogen, one of Europe's largest fertilizer producers, is investigating the extent to which it is possible to take targeted measures at an early stage and stop the development of major hazard accident processes. An innovative model has been developed and recently explaine ...
OCI Nitrogen wants to gain knowledge of (leading) indicators regarding the process safety performance of their ammonia production process. This paper answers the question whether indicators can be derived from the barrier system status to provide information about the developm ...
OCI Nitrogen seeks to gain knowledge of (leading) indicators regarding the process safety performance of their ammonia production process. The current research determines the most dangerous process equipment by calculating their effects resulting from a loss of containment usi ...
Domino effects in chemical factories and clusters, risk in the eye of the beholder
An historical perspective and discussion
Mechanical integrity of process installations
Barrier alarm management based on bowties
Occupational safety and safety management between 1988 and 2010
Review of safety literature in English and Dutch language scientific literature
Research question: What is the influence of general management trends and research into causes of accidents on safety management? Method: The literature study is limited to English and Dutch books, documents and articles in the scientific, professional, and technical literatur ...
From clapham junction to macondo, deepwater horizon
Risk and safety management in high-tech-high-hazard sectors: A review of English and Dutch literature: 1988–2010
Objective: What is the influence of general management trends and safety research on managing safety? Method: A literature study which is limited to original English and Dutch books, documents, and articles in relevant scientific journals, for the period 1988–2010. Results and ...
Hoe effectief zijn procesveiligheidsindicatoren?
Indicatoren en managementfactoren
Mechanical integrity of process installations
An assessment based on bow-ties
Verkennende studie naar (petro)chemische clusters en veiligheid
Veiligheidsparameters binnen (petro)chemische clusters en losstaande (petro)chemische bedrijven
Een vlinderdasanalyse van intern transport met palletwagens
Indicatoren en managementfactoren
Improving pallet mover safety in the manufacturing industry
A bow-tie analysis of accident scenarios
A Belgian manufacturing company uses pallet movers for internal transport. Despite the company's efforts to improve occupational safety, accidents with pallet movers remain noteworthy. In order to control occupational accidents, it is crucial to have a clear view of the potent ...