164 records found


The need for engaging citizens in climate policymaking is increasingly recognised. Despite indications that the form of expert involvement can strongly influence participatory processes, this remains scarcely researched. We analysed two unique and contrasting cases of citizen ...


Rethinking the operationalization of broad prosperity

Towards the integration of local values into the ex-ante evaluation of Dutch transport policies

With what objectives do policymakers make transport policy? This fundamental question is subject to a paradigm shift within transport policymaking in the Netherlands. There is an increasing call to let go of the predominant focus on economic well-being and consider a broader noti ...

Examining Citizen Preferences for Participation in the Energy Transition

Aligning Central and Decentral Participation Processes in The Netherlands

To mitigate climate change by transforming the energy system citizen involvement is crucial. Citizen involvement can help achieve these goals as well as accelerate the transition, by harnessing local knowledge for the improvement of plans, creating a support base and the opportun ...

The Effectiveness of Participatory Value Evaluation in National Transport Projects

Uncovering the Added Value of Participatory Value Evaluation in the Multiyear Program for Infrastructure, Spatial Planning, and Transport Process through Policymaker Interviews and Respondent Answer Analysis

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, responsible for major infrastructure projects in the Netherlands, is exploring methods to incorporate well-being in its project evaluations and designs. To address the limitations of expressing well-being in monetary terms, a n ...

Engaging Dutch citizens in the decision making of district heating networks

Comparing the effects of a Public Value Evaluation and a survey

The Dutch government is committed to transitioning to a low-carbon economy. District heating networks are considered essential for achieving this transition. This research aims to compare two different methods of involving citizens in decision-making and development related to di ...

Train travellers as station manager?

Trade-offs in the distribution of space for access & egress facilities - A case study at station Nijmegen

Train stations are developed by rail companies, for the benefit of travellers. Choices and trade-offs must be made. However, there are no guidelines on how to approach these trade-offs. This study aims to find out to what extent consulting train travellers from the station develo ...


Application of SHAP and Machine Learning to PVE Quantitative Data

A relatively novel approach of public participation is the Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) in which a dilemma of a policymaker is provided to citizens (Mouter, Shortall, et al., 2021). In a PVE, citizens face a realistic choice task in which the policy dilemma is explained t ...

Do appraisal tools affect equitability in infrastructure projects?

A case study on infrastructural projects in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands

In order to understand the impact of new infrastructure projects, appraisal tools are used to estimate the impact it will have on society. Infrastructure is a key part of society, enabling and disabling society to work and live, playing a vital part in everyone’s lives. Former st ...

Baumol’s Model and Unbalanced Productivity Growth

Does Baumol’s disease exist in China in a time of robotisation and automation?

Baumol's unbalanced growth model predicts the tendency of aggregate productivity growth to slow down in the process of tertiarisation. This thesis studies the relationship between employment structural changes and aggregate productivity growth in the case of China. William Nordha ...

Anticipating social acceptance of heating alternatives in Amsterdam

Using value conflicts in an agent-based model

The municipality of Amsterdam is currently in the middle of a heat transition. The municipalit aims to cut down the use of natural gas for space heating in order to reduce its impact on the natural environment. For the Geerdinkhof neighborhood in Amsterdam South-East, the municip ...
A multilateral organ, a national public and a national government are three entities that are inseparably intertwined. Together they form the dynamic policy triangle: a vibrant political system, constantly changing due to insights in the scholarly and public debate. This vibrancy ...

Representativity and inclusivity of Participatory Value Evaluation

A case study on relaxation of COVID-19 measures in the Netherlands

To be able to solve the increasingly complex problems, governments need to collaborate with various parties. This way of policy development is called interactive policy making. Citizen participation is a specific form of interactive policy making and focusses on involving citizen ...
This study investigates paternalistic and non-paternalistic altruistic preferences in the Willingness to Allocate Public Budget approach (WTAPB) in a transport context. To the best of my knowledge the extent to which citizens are willing to sacrifice effects for themselves to rea ...

Increasing the resilience of urban areas to extreme precipitation: Are the residents ready?

The receptivity for effective rainproof measures on private terrain in the neighbourhood De Baarsjes, Amsterdam

Water challenges the livelihood of all living beings through its scarcity and its abundance. Due to climate change these extremes will intensify in the future. As mankind continues to cluster in economic centre points, housing areas as well as infrastructure increases. This situa ...

Participatory Value Evaluation as a Tool for Value Extraction and Opinion Mining

Reduce Manual Data Analysis by Automated Value Extraction

Many grand challenges like climate change or health security cannot be solved by only the policymakers. Support and expertise of citizens is needed to solve these challenges (Gerton & Mitchell, 2019). Due to the demand for public participation, Participatory Value Evaluation ...

Finding a balance between meaningful and useful participation by improving information provision

Assessing the effectiveness of information provision approaches in participatory value evaluation on empowering participants to give informed input on urban climate adaptation projects

Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) is a webtool-based participation method that is used to increase participation by others than the usual suspects. In PVE, respondents are asked to allocate a budget or points to a portfolio of projects that reflect real policy options, therewi ...
Recent years the Netherlands have been shocked by a series of earthquakes. Normally an earthquake would be considered as a natural hazard, however extracting gas induces these earthquakes. Whenever a hazard is induced, it is perceived as man-made and therefore controllable. This ...

Practicing Participatory Value Evaluation

Assessing the applicability of the Participatory Value Evaluation Method for public decision-making on Urban Storm Water Management in a The Hague case study.

One of the pillars of Dutch municipal decision-making is to stimulate citizen participation in agenda- setting and decision-making (VNG, 2018). Involving citizens in the allocation of the public budget for addressing specific challenges is a novel approach to participatory decisi ...

Measuring citizen preferences for the Dutch Education Open Data Policy

A Path towards Citizen-Informed Decision Making

This thesis discusses the way individuals in their role as citizens make trade-offs between open education data attributes. The Dutch government agencies lack of insight in the citizen preferences for open data policy attributes lead them to evaluate and develop their open data p ...

The added values of multifunctional underground constructions

An analysis based on the observation of the effects, their consideration and appraisal in the decision-making

World population growth and in-urbanisation are challenging the policymakers and urban designers in finding an alternative way to develop sustainable and liveable cities. The researchers have already acknowledged the use of the subterranean space, especially when it can serve mul ...