V.H. Gruis
269 records found
From theory to practice
Evaluating success factors of adaptive reuse through a case study
Purpose: This study assesses the success of a real project in practice, using identified success factors from recent systematic literature. It investigates how theoretical insights translate into real-world outcomes by answering the question: “How do success factors identified in
It is recommended to integrate specific management competencies in academic education to support the transition towards environmentally sustainable practices, particularly in the construction and real estate sector. This paper explores how architectural management education can i
Towards promoting circular building adaptability in adaptive reuse projects
A co-developed framework
Circular building adaptability (CBA) in adaptive reuse – building transformation – projects can facilitate a resource-efficient and futureproof redevelopment of the built environment. However, there has been a lack of practical tools that guide practitioners on how to ...
Circular building adaptability (CBA) in adaptive reuse – building transformation – projects can facilitate a resource-efficient and futureproof redevelopment of the built environment. However, there has been a lack of practical tools that guide practitioners on how to ...
Circulaire en aanpasbare gebouwtransformatie
Een overzicht van strategieën
Bevolkingsgroei, marktdynamiek, vastgoedleegstand en veroudering van gebouwen zijn enkele aanleidingen voor transformatie van gebouwen. De laatste decennia zijn er al veel transformatieprojecten uitgevoerd, mede als oplossing voor leegstand (zie 11. Transformatiemeter kantoren).
While circular business models are receiving increasing academic attention, the business models of real circular building companies remain underexamined. This paper builds upon existing conceptual proposals and general overviews of reuse actors to investigate how these organizati
Accelerating circularity systemically
Three directions for impactful research
Over the past two decades, research promoting a sustainable built environment has pioneered new horizons to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Yet, these efforts are suffering from a significant theory-practice divide. This article offers three interconnected resear
In recent decades, various programs have been developed as part of Chile’s housing policies to respond to the housing deficit. Most policies have so far focused on addressing the quantitative, qualitative, and urban deficits, neglecting the social dimension of housing. At the sam
What matters when?
An integrative literature review on decision criteria in different stages of the adaptive reuse process
Despite the significant growth of the literature on adaptive reuse, little is known about the specific criteria unfolding throughout the different phases of the adaptive reuse decision-making process. To address this gap this paper aims to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-ar
Data requirements and availabilities for material passports
A digitally enabled framework for improving the circularity of existing buildings
Passports for circularity, e.g., digital product passports and material passports (MPs), have gained recognition as essential policy instruments for the Circular Economy goals of the European Union. Despite the growing number of approaches, there is a lack of knowledge about the
Questioning Collaboration in the Circular Built Environment
Multi-cycle, Multi-scalar and Multi-level Perspectives in the Renovation Sector
Research on the circular built environment has to date focussed mainly on technical aspects of circularity in the built environment, emphasising the development of methods, tools, and frameworks to facilitate technical solutions that can narrow, slow, close, and regenerate materi
Co-Development of a Framework for Circular Building Adaptability in Adaptive Reuse
A Participatory Study
Population growth, market volatility, building obsolescence and property vacancy are triggers for adaptive reuse. Thus, adaptive reuse is an investable practice that needs to be facilitated by the means of adaptable design. Furthermore, adaptive reuse aligns with the principles o
Comparing Circular Kitchens
A Study of the Dutch Housing Sector
The built environment can become more sustainable by gradually replacing building components with circular ones. Kitchens are a logical component to be made circular, given their relatively short lifespan, product-based nature, and affordable prototypes. Since various designs for
Circular building adaptability in adaptive reuse
Multiple case studies in the Netherlands
Purpose: The application of circular building adaptability (CBA) in adaptive reuse becomes an effective action for resource efficiency, long-lasting usability of the built environment and the sped-up transition to a circular economy (CE). This paper aims to explore to which exten
Towards implementation of circular building components
A longitudinal study on the stakeholder choices in the development of 8 circular building components
Implementing circular building components can contribute to the transition to a circular economy. There are many possible circular design options for building components. Knowledge on which options are feasible to implement remains limited. Existing feasibility studies do not com
Addressing housing deficits from a multi-dimensional perspective
A review of Chilean housing policy
After decades of battling the quantitative and qualitative housing deficits, Latin American countries are seeing new types of challenges in housing. Neoliberal policies favouring individual (low-cost) homeownership have weakened social trust and solidarity between neighbours, and
Whilst adaptive reuse is often applied with good outcomes, we are also faced with projects that have not achieved the desired results. There is little insight into why some projects succeed and others fail, or even what constitutes “success” at all – due in part to the intangibil
Circularity for Educators’, and a second platform for interaction and direct exchange that we call ‘Educators for Circularity’, are part and parcel of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in BK education. Whereas th