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J Schripsema
Academic Work (38)
Journal article (13)
Poster (25)
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38 records found
Comprehensive analysis of polar and apolar constituents of butter and margarine by nuclear magnetic resonance, reflecting quality and production processes
Journal article (2008) -
J Schripsema (author)
Synthesis and stereochemistry-activity relationship of small bacteriocin, an autoinducer of the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum
Journal article (2008) -
A Yajima (author)
AAN van Brussel (author)
J Schripsema (author)
T Nukada (author)
G Yabuta (author)
Evaluation of Butter and Margarine by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Poster (2007) -
J Schripsema (author)
Analytical Biotechnology at the Delft Kluyver Laboratory; a new focus
Poster (2007) -
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
AR Kroon (author)
J Schripsema (author)
HHER Walgraeve (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
Estudo dos efeitos causados por tratamentos pós-colheita utilizados em mamão via ressonância magnética nuclear
Poster (2007) -
AB Rangel (author)
M Gomes (author)
JG Oliveira (author)
J Schripsema (author)
RWA Franco (author)
Iridoids from Pentas lanceolata
Journal article (2007) -
J Schripsema (author)
GP Caprini (author)
R van der Heijden (author)
R Bino (author)
R. Vos (author)
D Dagnino (author)
Antimicrobial activity of wax and hexane extracts from Cirtus spp. peels
Journal article (2007) -
S Johann (author)
V Lopes de Oliviera (author)
MG Pizzolatti (author)
A Branco (author)
J Schripsema (author)
R Braz Filho (author)
A Jr Smania (author)
Fabrication of microchip for single cell analysis
Poster (2007) -
HHER Walgraeve (author)
G. van der Steen (author)
AR Kroon (author)
J Schripsema (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Iridoids from Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers
Poster (2007) -
GP Caprini (author)
D Dagnino (author)
J Schripsema (author)
Cyathenosin A, a spiropyranosyl derivative of protocatechuic acid from Cyathea phalerata
Journal article (2007) -
MG Pizzolatti (author)
IMC Brighente (author)
AJ Bortoluzzi (author)
J Schripsema (author)
LG Verdi (author)
Iridoids from Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.)
Poster (2007) -
GP Caprini (author)
J Schripsema (author)
D Dagnino (author)
CA Retamal (author)
Optimization of the fabrication of single cell extraction chips using SU-8tm resist
Poster (2007) -
HHER Walgraeve (author)
G. van der Steen (author)
AR Kroon (author)
J Schripsema (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Acido 15-desmetilisoplumierideo, um novo iridoide isolado das cascas de Plumeria rubra e do latex de Himatanthus sucuuba
Journal article (2007) -
ACF Amaral (author)
JR de A Silva (author)
J Schripsema (author)
CM Rezende (author)
AC Pinto (author)
1H NMR for the Accurate Quantification of Cyanobacterial Toxins
Poster (2007) -
J Schripsema (author)
D Dagnino (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Comprehensive analysis of polar and apolar constituents of butter by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, revealing details of Production and Quality.
Poster (2007) -
J Schripsema (author)
Accurate Quantificarion of cyanobacterial toxins by 1H-NMR
Poster (2007) -
J Schripsema (author)
D Dagnino (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Towards analysis of molecules secreted by single cells: the implementation of a single cell trapping biochip
Poster (2007) -
HHER Walgraeve (author)
G. van der Steen (author)
AR Kroon (author)
J Schripsema (author)
GWK van Dedem (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Development of a single cell trapping and extraction chip
Poster (2007) -
HHER Walgraeve (author)
G. van der Steen (author)
J Schripsema (author)
AR Kroon (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
Formation of 2,4,5-triaryl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazoles, (1), from aryl aldehydes. Crystal structures of cis-(1: aryl=pyridin-2-yl), {trans-[(1: aryl=pyridin-2-yl)H]+[OAc].3H2O},{cis-[1: aryl=thien-2-yl].0.5H2O} and trans-(1: aryl=thien-2-yl).
Journal article (2007) -
C Fernandes (author)
A Jr Horn (author)
RA Howie (author)
J Schripsema (author)
JMS Skakle (author)
JL Wardell (author)
Estudo dos efeitos causados por tratamentos pos-colheita In: 12 º Encontro de Iniciação Científica
Poster (2007) -
AB Rangel (author)
RWA Franco (author)
M da Gomes (author)
GVL Alves (author)
JG Oliveira (author)
J Schripsema (author)