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R.A. Price

22 records found

In an era where digitalisation has revolutionised people’s lives, it is vital to make this transition accessible to everybody, or at least to the many, so that more people may benefit from it. The European Accessibility Act of 2025 (Forum, 2020) is a key stimulus for this, as it ...

Succeed to fail

Embedding failure flexibility in the innovation culture of NS

This thesis explores the concept of failure flexibility within the innovation culture at NS through an exploratory case study. The innovation process involves setbacks, unexpected directions, and uncertainty. Recognising failures as learning opportunities rather than negative o ...
Problem Definition
Year after year, the general population is growing sicker and sicker (Callaghan et al., 2021; Sleeman et al., 2019) and unhealthy lifestyle choices are in large part to blame. Designed to treat instead of prevent, healthcare systems are failing to meet indi ...

Explore: The Flexible Search Engine

Designing a more sophisticated way of searching

The airline industry is a complex industry. It has geographically spread employees, safety threats, partnerships with regional firms and other airlines, changing government regulations, sustainability, and flight shaming (Deloitte, 2016). Next to these complexities, the airline i ...

Designing creative agency-client relationships

A strategy to build lasting relationships for impact

The relationship between creative agencies and their clients is a difficult one to manage. For clients, the methodologies and processes applied by creative agencies often lack sufficient transparency; so much so that working together needs to be subject to a carefully thought-out ...
This project tackles the challenge of the Municipality of Utrecht to align their efforts in the poverty reduction system to the needs of the target group of citizens living in poverty. The municipality has identified that there is a need for improvement on this aspect to fulfil t ...

Migration, Social Polarization & Socio-Political Stagnation

How to Shape Meaningful Relationships Between Refugees and Europe in 2030.

By the end of 2019, 79.5 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide and 26 million were refugees. Over the last years migration has become an urgent political issue in Europe and more people are moving and crossing country borders due to wars, poverty and political instabil ...

Bridging the (financial) gap

A dialogic tool for exploring finance innovation within the Netherlands Red Cross

We live inan increasinglycomplex andinterconnected world, were severaldevelopments likeshiftingpolitical power,blurry physical and conceptual frontiers, andrecentlytheCOVID-19 pandemic, test theresilience of organizations andindividuals.Thehumanitarian system ...

A strategic roadmap for DHL towards a sustainable last mile delivery solution for cities in 2030

A customer centred design approach for a last-mile delivery solution in 2030

The e-commerce market is growing rapidly in the last decade. The growth of this industry is causing several challenges. These include a larger number of parcels delivered at service points and the CO2 emitted in the parcel delivery. Especially the last mile delivery is a CO2 inte ...

Fruit in your food

Repositioning the perception of fruit in meals served by caterers

Throughout history, there have been different attitudes towards eating fruit in the human diet. Currently, fruit is mainly perceived as a snack, that is to be eaten as a separate piece. Various developments in the history of the Netherlands like industrialisation, emancipation an ...

Redesigning Psychiatry

A strategic repertoire to stimulate transition in the mental healthcare sector

The mental healthcare system in the Netherlands is in dire need of anupdate. With 90,000 people on the waiting list, an urgent shortage instaff, regular occurrence of ‘incorrect’ diagnoses, and a persistentstigma on mental health, this was exactly what was on RedesigningPsychiatr ...
This thesis is the result of a graduation project that researched the field of Visual Thinking and facilitation in collaboration with Flatland Agency. Flatland is a design consultancy that facilitates co-creation sessions to overcome complexity in groups. Flatland has existed for ...

Festivals in 2030

A roadmap for Dutch festivals towards future relevance

Dutch festivals are currently extremely popular and offer visitors a way to escape the daily routine, and experience new things. This popularity starts to have its drawbacks since the number of complaints increase. As an effect, regulations become stricter and municipalities hand ...
Doing groceries is an inherent part of family life (Pettersson, Olsson, & Fjellström, 2004). Families are recognized as a unit for food choice and consumption. The influence of family members on food choices happens throughout family life and takes place in the private home o ...

Beyond the consumer lifecycle

A service framework for PostNL to develop personalized value propositions by empathizing with consumer life events

This project is in collaboration with PostNL. Already for over 220 years, PostNL is the one that is delivering mail and parcels in the Netherlands and abroad. Like other post organizations, PostNL has been facing serious challenges in transforming their traditional services. Next ...

A new role for the court

Activating, informing and guiding defendants for an accessible and understandable subdistrict judge

Every Dutch person has to deal with the court on average once in his life. There is a good chance that if this happens, you will have to deal with the subdistrict judge. In The Netherlands, this judge is the most accessible form for justice in (legal) conflicts. The subdistrict j ...

Designing a positive white cane

A future vision and design approach

Context & case You are reading the report for a master’s graduation project conducted at Delft University of Technology. This project is chaired by prof. dr. ir. Pieter Desmet and coached by dr. Rebecca Price. The project was initiated by Margot Scheltema, an influential Dutc ...

Social Mobility Europe 2030

Presenting a framework to help upgrade the future of social mobility in Europe 2030

Mobility is becoming a crucial factor to define contemporary social life. It
 has changed the relationship between government and economy, public and private, work and life, shaping a world that promotes unconstrained movements of people, products, consumption and working subject ...
Over the past few years, workplaces have placed increasing importance on enhancing well-being. The benefits are clear: increased productivity, improved employee engagement, and reductions in health care costs. Another recent development has been the rise of smart office buildings ...
This graduation project is based on the services that Flatland, a visual consultancy company, provides within the strategic visual design market. The discussion within this project is about what the role of the facilitator is and what the balance should be between gathering conte ...