R.M. Chotkan
4 records found
Blockchain-based payment systems typically assume a synchronous communication network and a limited workload to confirm transactions within a bounded timeframe. These assumptions make such systems less effective in scenarios where reliable network access is not guaranteed.
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Streamlined Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocols, such as HotStuff [PODC'19], and weighted voting represent two possible strategies to improve consensus in the distributed systems world. Several studies have been conducted on both techniques, but the research on
This paper explores the integration of weighted vot-ing mechanisms into DAG-based consensus proto-cols, such as Tusk [EuroSys’22], which promise high throughput and low latency. Weighted voting,
pioneered by protocols like WHEAT [SRDS’15] and AWARE [TDSC’20], aims to optimize ...
pioneered by protocols like WHEAT [SRDS’15] and AWARE [TDSC’20], aims to optimize ...
Using Weighted Voting to Accelerate Blockchain Consensus
Intrusion tolerance during performance degradation attacks
This paper examines the impact of faulty nodes on Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) algorithms, focusing on the AWARE optimization. While AWARE improves average-case latency by assigning larger voting weights to well-connected nodes, it is vulnerable to exploitation by