Creating caring hands through technology
An industrial designer's approach to medical teleconsultation
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Doctor-patient teleconsultations have the potential to address the challenges of accessibility, quality and costs of healthcare. However, the diffusion of these systems into mainstream healthcare remains low. Taking a designer’s approach to developing teleconsultation systems is expected to have a positive effect on its acceptance. The aim of the research was therefore to support designers in the development process by creating a framework and a set of guidelines. These help the designer in the analysis phase by giving structure in the complexity of the teleconsultation context and guiding the development of a program of requirements. They also serve as inspirational tools to designers, sensitizing them for the nonverbal and emotional components of a doctor-patient consultation which influence both patient experience and medical decision making. Part of the studies was based on the Virtual Policlinic project, which was set up to connect patients on the island of Ameland to a specialist in the hospital on the mainland. This project was nominated for the 2009 Spider Award for most innovative project in healthcare.