Gulf of Khambat
Closure and tidal power station
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The Gulf of Khambat in India is an estuary with an extremely large tidal range which in average circumstances varies between approximately 4.5 m for a neap-tide and 8.5 m. f or an average spring-tide. This large tidal difference goes hand in hand with a tidal flow in the range of 6 to 11 * 109 m3 per tidal cycle. Due to these features the Gulf of Khambat has a large potential for tidal power energy. In the areas surrounding the Gulf of Khambat there is a need for fresh irrigation water. Three rivers discharge in the Gulf, of which only the Narmada discharge is of significant importance when we speak about an irrigation project. In order to use this water it will have to be stored. Therefore a large basin is required. The aspects above lead to the proposal to construct a tidal power station in the Gulf of Khambat , possibly combined with fresh -water storage for irrigation purposes. In this report only the combination of the two goals is discussed. An advantage of this development scheme is that the energy produced in times the demand for electricity is low, can be used to transport irrigation water to the areas where it is needed. The choice for this scheme implies the construction of two separate basins, one for fresh-water storage and a tidal basin used for the energy production. Somewhere in the entrance of the Gulf of Khambat a closure dam will have to be constructed.