Institute of time taking (IOTT/IOPM)
A project by the chair of Landscape Architecture - TU Delft at Oerol 2014
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This booklet is published to show the results of a project developed during the fourth edition of the Master elective course AR0048, offered by the chair of Landscape Architecture - ‘Landscape Architecture ON site, being part of Oerol Festival 2014’, where fifteen students of the Faculty of Architecture and two tutors of the Chair of landscape Architecture were involved. The aim of this elective is to give the opportunity to students of the faculty of architecture to develop and build a temporarily landscape artwork as an unique experiential learning opportunity, turning abstracts concepts into a concrete artefact. During the course Ideas have to be checked and adjusted to turn them into a 1:1 object, the interaction with the public have to be thought and incorporated in the design process. Landscape, art and science come together in this experimental project. This design process is based on experiencing the place, results of theoretical and landscape studies, workshops, brainstorm discussions. The contribution of this year to the expedition program of Oerol Festival – Sense of Place is called, the ‘Institute of Time Taking – IOTT’. IOTT attempts to unveil the sensorial characteristics, knowledge and discussions nvolved in the dune landscape of Terschelling.