A high-precision position-based calibration table as the reference for angular accelerometer calibration experiment

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With the role of angular accelerometers in future fault-tolerant flight control systems, an in-depth evaluation of their performance then becomes a critical issue from the perspective of control system design. In this paper, a position-based calibration table is utilized to provide a sufficiently accurate angular acceleration reference in the dynamic angular calibration. However, the angular accelerometer measured data contains a high noise level when transmitted through the slip rings. To tackle this issue, a customized sensor Data Acquisition System (DAS) is designed. It is mounted on the turn-table top and has a direct access to the angular accelerometer data channel. To synchronize sensor and table data, two auxiliary signals are generated by the sensor DAS computer to help in the post measurement processing. The first signal is a regular pulse of 100 Hz, which is suitable to align sensor and table data. The second signal is a step function which acts as a data log trigger for the calibration table, as well as a marker of the record starting point. This approach results in a lower angular accelerometer noise level, below the specified limit of 3 mV. The ErrorRMS is 0:00195n, which after being calculated with the measurement results, evidently falls below the Gaussian probability density function specified by the standard of ±5:672. As a result, the customized setup enables a commercially available calibration table to serve as the reference for angular accelerometer calibration experiments.
