The Roach and Crouch Flood Management Strategy

A Case Study for the Economic Assessment and Valuation of Multifunctional Flood Management Projects

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The main focus of this report is to describe the economic appraisal techniques applied to the RCFMS. The majority of the discussions on policies and procedures are specific to England. An overview of the differing funding processes and procedures in the rest of the UK (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) is provided in Appendix A. In addition, this report presents the following information: (1)summary of the existing economic appraisal best practice; (2)economic appraisal techniques that were developed for the RCFMS; (3)opportunities for further development of these techniques; (4)the key economic opportunities and constraints to the implementation of flood management schemes in the Roach and Crouch Estuaries; (5)the potential estuary-wide economic, flood management and environmental losses and benefits of implementing low Defra Priority Score schemes at constrained estuary channel locations (i.e. pinch- points); (6)how the environmental element for the Defra Priority Score could be increased by improving the methodology for evaluating sites; and (7)how the findings of the PhDs may benefit the scheme implementation process.
