Stereoscopic Remote Vision System

A Delay Minimizing Approach for Telepresence

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This thesis presents a remote vision system designed to be used for telepresence applications. Telepresence is essentially being able to assert one's presence at a remote location. Being able to see and talk to people in another corner of the world is one method of telepresence we have come to know as video conferencing. As technologies evolve, the sense of `presence' allowed by them also grows. Present-day telepresence systems limit our most prominent sense, sight, to monoscopic video where we only see one view of the remote location. In order to take telepresence to the next level by being able to manipulate remote objects, it is important that our sight be stimulated to perceive depth to the fullest. Therefore, this thesis focuses on creating a \textsl{stereoscopic} remote vision system designed for teleoperation. Delay plays a major part in the ease of teleoperation. While most teleoperation systems focus of alleviating the effects of delay by means of control methodologies and environment modeling, this system attempts to directly minimize delay and other factors of human discomfort. This was done by analyzing the several technologies involved in capture, compression, transport and display of 3D video along with an exploration on the factors of human comfort and performance for teleoperation. The most appropriate technologies were then selected while keeping these factors in mind. The stereoscopic remote vision system was then designed and implemented while keeping a focus to minimize delay. The resulting system was then used as a testbench to further explore the same factors.