LRFP : Extending local routing protocols in layer 2 networks with a secure fee model

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Blockchains like Bitcoin are known to be victim of scalability issues. The lack in high throughput and low latency form a great bottleneck to its network. A promis- ing solution are layer 2 protocols, more precisely payment channel networks (PCN). Payment success rates are a common metric in these networks. These rates can be in- creased by tweaking the routing of payments in the network. Local routing is a form of routing that allows payments in such networks to be split over multiple paths to reach its receiver. This significantly increases the rate of payment successes, however there is no trivial way to integrate fees in such protocol. This paper focuses on the integration of fees in local routing protocols by proposing a viable solution. Local Routing Fee Protocol (LRFP) is a protocol designed to extend an existing local routing protocol and is proven to be secure. It is a light addition but works as intended. Proofs on se- curity guarantees and a formal description on the protocol form the main contribution of this paper.