Power system operation with large-scale wind power in liberalised environments

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Our society revolves around electricity. Most electricity is produced from fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. The disadvantages are that their supply is finite and unevenly distributed across the earth. Conventional power stations also emit greenhouse gases. Therefore, sustainable alternativees must be developed, such as wind power. The disadvantages of wind are that it may or may not blow and that it is unpredictable. Th generation of electricity must however always equal the consumption. This makes the integration of wind power in the electricity system more difficult. This Ph.D.-theis investigates the integration of wind power into the existing power system. Simulation models are developed and used to explore the operation of power systems with a lot of wind power. The simulations provide a picture of the reliability, cost and emission of CO2 of the generation of electricity, with and without wind power. The research also takes into account electricity exchange on international markets. Possible solutions for integrating wind power, such as flexible power plants and energy storage, are investigated as well.