
Co-housing with like-minded people (ecological) of all ages - Living at the Apple Market inside the city belt of Amsterdam

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Due to the increase of population in Amsterdam in 2040, 40.000 more dwellings are expected to be needed. This prime location, at the Apple Market, is currently unbuilt. The baby-boom in the Netherlands lead to a huge generation which nowadays is turning old. This generation of people are facing an aging peak in the year 2040 and bringing about 60,000 extra elderly people in Amsterdam.
Due to the changes in health care, the elderly should stay longer independently. If the elderly stay healthy, they can live independently with relatively little care. But if they get health problems, custom homes or extra care may be needed. Elderly people are increasingly thinking about how they can live comfortably and independently. The generation of now, must deal differently with the consequences of aging. For example, in the form of self-organized care/ informal care.
Amsterdam has the ambition to place itself in the top 5 of healthiest cities in Europe in 2033. The environmental impact of food is high. This is mainly due to the transport movements that are associated with the distribution of food, also a lot of food is thrown away and there is a lot of overconsumption of meat. I see Amsterdam as a city that can increase awareness of food production and sustainability by showing how food is growing, especially on this location.
This project brings together a variety of residents. Living in a common living environment with like-minded people of different ages offers an outcome.