Huisvesting voor Statushouders

De zoektocht naar succesfactoren en knelpunten in het proces van huisvesting voor statushouders in bestaande bouw

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The subject of this research is housing permitted refugees (PRs), refugees who have been granted a permit in the Netherlands and therefore may stay in the Netherlands for the next five years. The alteration degree of the regular social housing stock is not high enough to accommodate these large numbers of permitted refugees. In addition, there are no alternatives available for this target group, leading to stagnation in throughput from centralised governmental asylum seeker housing to regular social housing. This is presented as the central question in this graduation thesis. This research has shown that one of the biggest bottlenecks reported by the interviewees is the fact that temporary transformation projects are legally and financially incompatible with each other. In addition, the social and political support is a major bottleneck, referring to the residents of on-going transformation projects for this target group, as well as the societal tendencies. "Unknown, unloved”; is mentioned in several interviews by different parties in different municipalities as the underlying reason for the opposition to plans for housing for both asylum seekers and PRs. There are also problems mentioned in cooperation, albeit of lower priority. To solve the problem, there should be more money available for the redevelopment of vacant buildings for this target group. This can be done directly, by granting subsidies to transformation projects or indirectly, by changing the rules on temporary transformations, allowing the operating period to be extended. Finally, another possibility is to look at other ways to increase social housing capacity. In order to be able to implement the theorised problem in practice, the Metagame is designed. This game is based on the Metagame analysis, but let the players themselves carry out the analysis instead of the analyst. This leads to more achievable possible solutions, since the goal of the game is to create consensus amongst the players themselves within the constraints that the actors are subject to in real life.