Performance Validation of Networks on Chip

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Network-on-Chip (NoC) is established as the most scalable and efficient solution for the on-chip communication challenges in the multi-core era, since it guarantees scalable high-speed communication with minimal wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, efficiency of the NoC depends on its design decisions, which must be made considering the performance requirements and the cost budgets, specific to the target application. In the NoC design ?ow, merely verifying and validating the design for its adherence to the application’s average communication requirements may be insufficient, when the need is to get the best performance within tight power and area budgets. This calls for NoC design validation and optimization under real-time congestions and contentions imposed by the target application. However, application availability issues (due to Intellectual Property restrictions), force us to look at alternative solutions to mimic the target application behavior and help us arrive at an efficient and optimal NoC design. This thesis is a step in the said direction, and proposes a performance analysis and validation tool (infrastructure) that employs synthetic and application trace-based traffic generators, to efficiently emulate the expected communication behavior of the target application. Novel methods are suggested to model and generate deterministic and random traffic patterns and to port reference application traces from and to different interconnect architectures (from buses to NoCs or vice versa). Further, these traffic generators are supported by efficient traffic management/scheduling schemes, that aid in effective analysis of the NoC’s performance. The proposed tool, also includes a statistics collection and performance validation module that checks the designed network for adherence to the performance requirements of the target application and explores trade-offs in performance and area/power costs to arrive at optimal architectural solutions. The significance of this tool, lies in its ability to comprehensively validate a given NoC design and suggest optimizations, in the light of the target applications expected run-time communication behavior.