Decentral market

self-regulating electronic market

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A decentral electronic marketplace to trade digital currencies was created for this project. Users may trade MultiChain balance for Bitcoin. MultiChain can be described as up- and download currency in a peer-to-peer network. When a peer uploads, the balance of that peer increases and the peer can download more effectively. The client for this project is the Tribler Team. Most of the Tribler Team's work revolves around Tribler: an open-source peer-to-peer program which enables its users to find, enjoy, and share content. An earlier bachelor end-project implemented a partial, functional prototype of this idea. We improved the existing concepts and re-implemented a decentralised market from scratch with scalability and as much security as possible, given the limited available development time. This market is the first electronic marketplace to be fully decentralized. There were previous attempts to create such a marketplace, but those implementations fell short in scalability and security. During the research phase, we discovered that the previous decentral market project was not scalable and not production ready, so we made the decision to, together with our client, instead build our application upon a more production-level network platform known as Dispersy. As nothing on the Internet can be trusted which is a problem on its own, we could not make the product as secure as we would have wanted to. At a technical level our contribution consists of 7000+ lines of code, 50+ test suites with a code coverage of +95% and documentation for Dispersy.