Sediment transport concentrations and sediment transport in case of irregular non-breaking waves with a current

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In many coastal, engineering problems the sediment transport plays a part. A transport gradient causes accretion or erosion. Various models, such as that of Bijker, Engelund and Hansen (van de Graaff and van Overeem, 1979) and Nielsen (1985) are available to estimate the sediment transport rate if the hydraulic and environmental conditions (wave height, current velocity and direction, sediment size) are known. Since reliable data under field conditions are extremely scarce, the reliability of these models is not known, while also no understanding of the basic relations between the sediment transport, current velocity and wave height can be obtained. To extend the knowledge of the basic phenomena, a laboratory study was carried out. Fluid velocities and sediment concentrations have been measured in case of irregular non-breaking waves alone, and in combination with following or opposing currents.