State-of-the-art inventory

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The present report provides a state-of-the-art inventory of relevant information and technical concepts for the ComCoast project, being the first phase of the research stages of Work Package 3 (WP3). This project was assigned to Royal Haskoning by CUR. The information scan was set-up in a systematic way. About 160 relevant references have been traced for technical aspects and related projects. These references have been presented in a table database, including a preliminary judgement of the relevancy of these references for ComCoast. Further references can be introduced to the database in subsequent phases of ComCoast WP3. Based on the information, a preliminary evaluation was made for related projects. Emphasis was put on a preliminary evaluation of potential protection systems for the inner slope of primary sea defences (embankments). To this end, an illustrative evaluation methodology has been presented in this report. As an illustrative outcome, a reinforced grass revetments showed a high score and therefore this system seems to be adoptable as a feasible system for strengthening of the crest and inner slope of overtopped defences. Other types of protection systems have been presented as well and are briefly indicated in the Fact Sheets attached to this report. Prior to further elaboration of the most appropriate strengthening systems in subsequent phases of WP3, the development of an overall judgement framework is recommended as a follow-up of the present methodology. This framework should not be limited to the stability of the protection system only, but should also include other failure mechanisms for overtopped embankments, with special emphasis on critical soil mechanical failure mechanisms. As regards the new field of application (strengthening of crest and inner slope of embankments under increased wave overtopping), there may be room for new and innovative systems to reinforce the defences, together with methods to reduce tidal impacts and wave overtopping. It is recommended to promote further innovative research within subsequent phases of WP3.