Duurzaamheid als Aanbestedingscriterium bij Haveninvesteringen

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Many industries are already aware of the fact that they can gain higher profits by integrating sustainability within their management process. The construction industry seems to be a late developer. Lately, port authorities have started many initiatives for a more sustainable port. To make ports more sustainable it is worthwhile to improve the construction of infrastructure and building projects: the construction industry is still one of the most polluting industries. Hence, in this thesis the answer is given to the question of how to integrate sustainability as a procurement criterion for infrastructure projects in ports. This is done by developing a procurement model which is aimed at sustainable procurement. Sustainability is important for a port: the amount of total environmental space is decreasing due to stricter policies. To enable further growth of port activities, sustainable management is inevitable. A more sustainable port results in a larger public support for port activities. Furthermore, sustainable management can result in lower costs due to a higher efficiency in the business activities. It is important that the port authority chooses for a contracting form that allows enough space for the contractor to deliver a sustainable construction. This is possible with innovative contracting forms such as D&B contracts in contrast to traditional contracting forms. The right procurement procedure is important too. The model includes criteria and an evaluation method. These criteria are set based on interviews with stakeholders and literature search. These criteria can be categorized in the fields People, Planet and Profit. It is essential to apply Life Cycle Analyses with a preference for quantification of criteria e.g. emission footprints. In practice this is almost impossible due to the complex computations which contractors have to do. That is why the applied model is different from the ideal model, because there is chosen to assess the different measures in a qualitative way on 1) how specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time bounded the measures are and on 2) the impact during the whole Life Cycle of the construction. It is important that it is clear for the contractor which criteria are used and what is demanded by the assessment of the measures on sustainability. The alternatives are evaluated with the concordance method. This method is emerged as the most suitable based on applicability, transparency, flexibility, stability, effectiveness and user-friendliness. Beside it evaluates the scoring on weighted criteria (concordance), the concordance method evaluates how low the alternative scores for a good balance between the criteria. This is how this method distinguishes itself in a positive way. The criteria with the evaluation method form the model and it is applied on three different projects for the construction of quay walls in the port of Rotterdam. There was a clear differentiation between the alternatives in the outcomes, in an appraisal was made between sustainable criteria and investment costs. The model is applicable in different phases in the tender process. The scores on concordance and discordance give extra information about the foundations of the outcomes of the tender, which is an advantage of the method.