Prefeasibility study on a barrier downstream of HCMC

A potential solution for the flood and salt intrusion problem

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Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is one of the most important cities in Vietnam; it is the largest city and the economic centre of the country. Currently HCMC is facing two main problems: frequent flooding of the city and salt intrusion in the Dong Thap Muoi region. Most floods are the result of monthly high tides that hinder the discharge of rain and river discharge water. Floods as a result of solely high river discharge or storm surge are less probable. It is expected that the flood problem will increase in the future due to urban and industrial developments in low lying areas, climate change and land subsidence. A possible solution for, or contribution in solving, these problems is controlling the in- and outflow in the estuary mouth to a feasible extent with a barrier downstream of HCMC. In this study the feasibility of different barrier options is determined and compared using a simple multi criteria analysis, taken the main interest of five stakeholders into account.