A helicopter that flaps its wings

The Ornicopter flaps its wings like a bird to get into the air

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No other type of aircraft is as manoeuvrable as a helicopter. Reverse in full flight, rotate in the air, hover at a standstill, the helicopter can do it all. The police, fire services, medical services, military and civil aviation all use the helicopter for the freedom of flight it offers. However, the helicopters tail rotor remains a hazardous, energy-consuming, and noisy contraption. Although the NOTAR system offers an alternative by replacing the tail rotor with an adjustable air jet, it too is far from perfect. Aeronautical engineers at Delft University of Technology think that by flapping a helicopters main rotor blades like the wings of a bird they can dispense with the tail rotor and avoid the drawbacks of the NOTAR system. Increased freedom of movement by flapping like a bird. They have dubbed their new brainchild the ornicopter.