GOCE level 2 gravity gradients

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Two of the GOCE Level 2 products are the gravity gradients (GGs) in the Gradiometer Reference Frame (GRF) and the GGs in the Local North-Oriented Frame (LNOF). The GRF is an instrument frame and the GGs are derived from the L1b GGs. The L1b to L2 GG processing involves corrections for temporal gravity variations, outlier detection and data gap interpolation, as well as the external calibration of the GGs using independent gravity field information. Because of the gradiometer configuration, four out of the six GGs - VXX, VYY, VZZ and VXZ - will have a small error in the Measurement Band (MB), whereas the other two - VXY and VYZ - will have low accuracy. The GRF GGs are rotated to the LNOF that is directly related to the Earth.
