
A decentral market

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This project creates a marketplace to trade commodities for real money. While many online marketplaces exist, they usually have one thing in common: a central point of authority. Our solution is Tsukiji, a completely decentralised marketplace, capable of scaling to thousands of users. Research has shown that implementations of this idea are scarce. Since the project is assigned by the group responsible for creating Tribler, this project follows their example in programming languages and libraries, such as Python and Twisted. Development of Tsukiji occurred in sprints of around 1 week, each sprint focusing on one or two specific features. Meetings with the product owner were planned after every development cycle, giving us feedback on the previous sprint and guiding the focus of the following sprint. The result is a light-weight, terminal-based, python application called Tsukiji. Users can post offers on the network and trade commodities for money. They communicate by sending messages using the gossip protocol, implemented with the Twisted library. Financial transactions are made using PayPal. With this, a fully decentralised market with a trustworthy payment system is created, allowing users to make trades without the risk of their trading platform being shut down.