Measurements in a Carousel (Metingen in een Carrousel)

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This report is essentially a report of the measurements in the carousel of the laboratory for Fluid Mechanics of the Delft University of Technology made accessible for a slightly wider public. A comprehensive documentation about the considered investigation, both concerning the theoretical background and concerning the elaboration of the experimental evidence can be found in: Booij, R., (1994), "Measurements of the flow field in a rotating annular flume ", Communications on Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering, report no. 94-2, Laboratory for Fluid Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology. To make the report more widely accessible a short explanation and description of the contents of every subdivision in English is added. The original text in Dutch by M.M.L. Melis is retained because an integral translation would be too time consuming. The added pages with English text are numbered El, etc.