Assessment of propeller induced properties and active flow control using multiple image-based measurement systems

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Multiple optical measurement techniques have been applied for the investigation of a propeller-wing wind tunnel model. The (half) wind tunnel model is equipped with a nine bladed propeller and its wing has active Coanda blowing over the whole span of the wing. The aim of the investigation is to gain understanding of the flow phenomena, especially the interaction of the periodic propeller slipstream with the Coanda blowing. The optical measurement techniques used are: stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (for investigating the flow field behind the propeller till the end of the wing), mono Particle Image Velocimetry (for the investigation of the Coanda blowing), Background Oriented Schlieren (for investigating the density gradients in the propeller slipstream) and Projected Pattern Correlation (for the blade torsion and deformation). This paper discusses the application of these methods during a single wind tunnel entry in an industrial wind tunnel facility.