Positive Impact With Community Currencies

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Money is an essential technology used by many people around the globe every day. It is beneficial for efficient trade and saving. The aim of this graduation is to design money. A positive impact on the environmental is made with the design of a so called community currency. In the economy we stumble upon limits which the market cannot easily solve by itself. Community currencies are made in addition to legal tender (e.g. Euros or Dollars) with the aim to satisfy needs that are not facilitated by regular money. Advancements in information technology make it easier than ever to introduce and maintain such initiatives. The final concept of this graduation is Around the Corner; a holiday booking platform that stimulates users to go on holiday nearby. This makes a significant impact on reducing emissions, because the trip is almost half of the holiday’s footprint. If users stay nearby home, they get rewarded a community currency called Locals, which they receive after booking. Locals can pay for another holiday, sent to a friend or used for services at the accommodation. In addition part of the Locals are invested by the accommodations to compensate for travelling emissions. So far green holiday labels don’t take into account the emissions of the journey. With its transaction technology Around the Corner is extremely scalable, it removes initial investments for accommodations and offers self-help payment technology. If designed well; currencies can act as an intermediary to balance the interests of individuals, industry, society and our environment.


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