Collection: research
(1 - 3 of 3)
Anonymous, A. (author)
Assessment of large scale effects of low crested breakwater alignments on the ecology and biodiversity.
report 2003
Anonymous, A. (author)
The construction of artificial reefs in a sandy beach environment creates virgin habitat for rocky shore organisms. Earlier isolated patches of natural habitat may become connected via a chain of "stepping-stones" such that gene flow is pemitted and also the dynamics of some or all species is shifted from the original situation. Such a situation...
report 2003
Anonymous, A. (author)
In the report the epibiota colonising LCS and other coastal defence structures was for the first time characterised along several European shares, including UK, Italy, Spain and Dentnark. The composition and distribution of epibiotic communities on LCS described in relation to the position on the defence structures and other environmental...
report 2003