Determining groundwater velocity with DTS at the Máximakanaal and in the Horstermeerpolder

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A suggested approach for determining groundwater flow in unconsolidated aquifers is tested. Performing a heat pulse response test by using a heat- and fibre-optic cable should result in a vertical profile of groundwater velocities. These cables are installed by using direct push ensuring the direct contact between cable and aquifer. The suggested approach is tested with two case studies. The first case study near the Máximakanaal was meant to determine if the canal is leaking. This experiment failed during the installation which was discovered after analyzing the results. The mistakes that were made during this case study have been analyzed and are discussed. The second case study was not performed by the author of this thesis. Nonetheless, the measurements of this case study enabled the completion of retrieving groundwater velocities from distributed temperature sensing and reviewing the approach.