Collection: research
(1 - 20 of 63)


Physical modelling of backward erosion piping in levee foundation subjected to repeated flooding
Physical modelling of backward erosion piping in levee foundation subjected to repeated flooding: (Abstract)
Understanding Piping using Pore Pressure Observations
Understanding Piping using Pore Pressure Observations: (Abstract)
Experience in 3-D modeling tricks and fitting techniques in seepage and piping prediction in levee subsoil
Experience in 3-D modeling tricks and fitting techniques in seepage and piping prediction in levee subsoil: (Abstract)
Physical measurements of the backward erosion piping process
Physical measurements of the backward erosion piping process: (Paper and Abstract)
Escalation in local structural flood protection measures. Then what?
Escalation in local structural flood protection measures. Then what?: (Abstract)
Continuous River Levee Safety Assessment based on a Reliability Analysis
Continuous River Levee Safety Assessment based on a Reliability Analysis
Incorporating Observations to Update the Piping Reliability Estimate of the Francis Levee
Incorporating Observations to Update the Piping Reliability Estimate of the Francis Levee
Uncertainties Analysis and Life Cycle Costs of Piping Mitigation Measures
Uncertainties Analysis and Life Cycle Costs of Piping Mitigation Measures
On the Inspection of River Levee Safety in Japan by MLIT
On the Inspection of River Levee Safety in Japan by MLIT
Laboratory Tests for Backwards Piping Erosion
Laboratory Tests for Backwards Piping Erosion
Determination of Spatial Variability in d70 Grain Size Values Using High Density Site Measurements
Determination of Spatial Variability in d70 Grain Size Values Using High Density Site Measurements
Reliability analysis of the Red River dikes system in Viet Nam
Reliability analysis of the Red River dikes system in Viet Nam
On reducing piping uncertainties: A Bayesian decision approach
On reducing piping uncertainties: A Bayesian decision approach
Advances in reliability analysis of the piping failure mechanism of flood defences in the Netherlands
Advances in reliability analysis of the piping failure mechanism of flood defences in the Netherlands
De werkmethode tegen piping: De werkmethode om dijken te laten voldoen aan de toekomstige norm op piping
De werkmethode tegen piping: De werkmethode om dijken te laten voldoen aan de toekomstige norm op piping
Piping in een tweelagensysteem: Afstudeeronderzoek naar het faalmechanisme piping in een situatie met of zonder een cohesieve deklaag, een dun zandpakket en een grindpakket
Piping in een tweelagensysteem: Afstudeeronderzoek naar het faalmechanisme piping in een situatie met of zonder een cohesieve deklaag, een dun zandpakket en een grindpakket
The Weakest Link: Spatial Variability in the Piping Failure Mechanism of Dikes
The Weakest Link: Spatial Variability in the Piping Failure Mechanism of Dikes
Overview geotechnical model tests on dike safety at Deltares
Overview geotechnical model tests on dike safety at Deltares
Piping in loose sands – the importance of geometrical fixity of grains
Piping in loose sands – the importance of geometrical fixity of grains
Zandmeevoerende wellen
Zandmeevoerende wellen
Collection: research
(1 - 20 of 63)
