Be aware of the unseen

Designing an obstacle detection device for the blind

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Not being able to rely on one’s eyes is a condition that reduces the quality of life, for we live in a visually oriented world. This is especially important when looking at personal mobility. The aim of this graduation project is to design a new product that can improve the quality of life of a visually impaired person (VIP). Analysis of the company (Optelec), the target group, trends, developments and competition shows a business potential for a product that increases the awareness of the VIP. Being more aware of the environment leads to an improved feeling of safety and certainty, two of the most important values of the target group. This awareness can be extended by detecting obstacles, so that the user can better anticipate situations. The most important features to detect are general obstacles, ledges, stairs and dangerous drops. Different concept directions are evaluated by prototyping and testing with users. Blind and blindfolded sighted participants preferred the use of a handheld or cane mounted product that communicates the distance of objects, using a fingertip braille display. The benefit/cost ratio is too low to make the proposed concept feasible at this moment. More research in sensors is needed to improve the detection capabilities. The proposed concept should then be prototyped and tested for a more extensive feedback evaluation. This project gives valuable insights in the needs and wishes of the VIP, and shows how this can be materialized in a feedback system that augments their senses. These are the first steps for new product development for Optelec.


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