Methodological Support for Knowledge Based Engineering Application Development

Improving Traceability of Knowledge into Application Code

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Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) applications mainly reduce the lead-time in engineering design projects by translating product and process knowledge into application code. The problem with KBE applications is that they produce an output from some input, but it is unclear how it came to its conclusions. There are existing KBE methodologies such as MOKA that proposes a few models to help understand what the KBE application is doing, but these models are disconnected from the application code: there is no traceability of knowledge onto application code. Moreover, MOKA requires specialists which are often not available; this hinder adoption of the methodology. Therefore , this thesis proposes a new ontology that explains how to structure knowledge without specialists, and defines how that knowledge is connected to application code. Moreover, a platform has been developed which incorporates the new ontology, and enables users to structure knowledge and connect it to code.
