The optimization of a Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest, providing flight-crewmembers with an optimal resting-place during long-range flights

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1. Introduction In commercial airline industry, flight- attendants have the right to rest during the flight when their flying duty period is exceeding a certain amount of hours. However, not every aircraft is equipped with the required rest facilities, the so called ‘crew-rests’. As a consequence, the airlines may offer their employees a business class seat to meet the requirements for resting. Evidently, those seats cannot be sold for commercial purposes. Zodiac Galleys Europe provides an alternative by means of their Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest (LDMCR). Basically, the LDMCR is an aircraft cargo container furnished as a crew rest, placed in the lower deck of an aircraft and can be reached via a stair house on the upper deck. Currently the LDMCR provides rest facilities for six to eight flight attendants. Zodiac Galleys Europe has reasons to believe that there is a growing need for a LDMCR which provides rest facilities for eight flight attendants. Furthermore, in order to improve the ability to rest, Zodiac wants to redesign their current LDMCR with today’s knowledge and technology. In order to meet those wishes, a graduation assignment has been set up to explore the possibilities and to generate new and improved concepts. 2.1 LDMCR ‘LDMCR’ is the abbreviation for Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest and it consists of a standard aircraft cargo container which is converted to a crew rest area, especially meant for flight attendants working on long range (intercontinental) flights. The LDMCR is produced by Zodiac Galleys Europe and only used in the Airbus A330 and A340. The LDMCR can be entered via a stair house on the upper deck of the aircraft and provides rest facilities for 6 - 8 flight attendants. 2.2 Design Brief The design of a new LDMCR concept that provide eight crew members with the rest and privacy they need in order to perform in optima forma. The focus for redesign shall be on space optimization 2.3 Process Summary In order to generate new and improved concept ideas for the Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest, insights were gained by the analysis of the current product and its context. Within the context of the product the following topics were studied; the life-cycle of the product, the design approach of the company, the end-user (flight attendants), regulations on rest & sleep, and literature on rest & sleep. All insights gained led to the conclusion that a radical change in the design approach as well as in the design itself should be beneficial for all stakeholders (Zodiac, Airbus the airlines and the flight attendants). In the automotive industry, concept cars are made to gauge the stakeholders wishes, needs and interests towards innovative styling and technologies. Similarly, for this graduation project a ‘concept car’ has been developed by means of a showcase. 2.4 Concept Proposition The development of the concept proposition started with ‘relax & recharge’ as keywords. From here, an environment was created where flight attendants are encouraged to become in a relaxed (relax) state of mind, after which they will do a power nap for no more than 30 minutes (recharge). Striking elements in the design are the introduction of fold out beds and the redesign of the stairs. Both elements contribute to a great extend for space optimization. 2.5 Concept Evaluation A concept evaluation with the help of a flight attendant and a former flight attendant suggested that recharging by means of a power nap might not work in all situations. Yet, the design and the features of the concept are appreciated above the current LDMCR 2.6 Future Opportunities Due to the introduction of fold out beds, an environment can be easily created in which future opportunities come to mind. When not used as a crew rest, the environment can be used, for example, as theatre or business/meeting room for passengers. An extra for which airlines can charge money. 2.7 Recommendations It is recommended that Zodiac will use the concept presented in this report as a ‘concept car’ or showcase. Subsequent, it is recommended that Zodiac communicates the concept to all stakeholders (Airbus, airlines and flight attendants) to gauge reactions and to decide on elements for implementation for future crew rests. Additionally, it is recommended that Zodiac continues on the development of showcases in order to accelerate the process of innovating in crew rests.


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