Revisited Composition: Implementation Strategy for Mobility Based Development in Bandung City, Indonesia

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As of today, most of the world’s population is living in urban areas. A lot of people is either migrating or commuting to the city every day. Urban sprawl in many cities in the world tends to trigger severe urban mobility challenges because the development is rarely supported by adequate infrastructure. In addition, the monocentric characteristic of the city worsens the fact that urban sprawl has encouraged massive commuting activities from peripheral areas to the city centre. In the case of high dependency to privately owned vehicles, both in the developed and developing countries, traffic congestion have become inevitable vernacular reality. The context chosen for this project is Bandung, Indonesia, the second largest cities in West Java. Bandung has been acknowledged as Jakarta’s backyard and experiencing quite massive urbanization since 1960’s. The city has grown into one big agglomeration of 17,000 hectares area where almost 3 million people live in. Regretfully, the urban development in Bandung has outpaced the government’s efforts in providing adequate infrastructure to connect the new (housing) complexes in the peripheries to the existing urban core, or providing new urban cores. The development trend has resulting certain tension between the city centre and the peripheral areas in the form of a severe daily traffic jam. There are three main development issues in Bandung, Indonesia addressed in this project: inefficient mobility, degradation of environment quality, and the lack of comprehensive planning in addressing the development. This project aimed to promote sustainable urban development in Bandung City as a response to current development trend which, one way another, encourages urban sprawl. The theses will be presented in the form of the development framework, structure vision, and development guidelines, which are exemplified in a key project.