Composable and Predictable Power Management

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The functionality of embedded systems is ever growing. The computational power of embedded systems is growing to match this demand, with embedded multiprocessor systems becoming more common. The limitations of embedded systems are not always related to chip size but are commonly due to energy and/or power constraints. While it can be possible to embed a more powerful Multiprocessor System on Chip (MPSoC), it is not always possible to provide an energy or power supply that meets its demands within the device’s size and weight requirements. Power management through Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) enables the device to be run at less than its maximum voltage and frequency, allowing high computational capability when necessary while conserving power at other times. Embedded systems commonly perform real-time functionality. A real-time application has an associated formal model to verify that it meets its timing requirements. This formal model is used to perform a worst-case timing analysis to ensure that the application meets its requirements. These models incorporate the worst-case timing of the application’s computation and communication. Timing changes due to power management must also be taken into account, complicating the verification process. The drive for evermore functionality has led to mixed time-criticality systems, in which multiple applications of various timing criticalities share the same (hardware) resources. This complicates the verification process further as the timing interference due to shared resource contention must be taken into account. A monolithic verification effort is therefore traditionally required after system integration and must be carried out again if any modifications are made that affect the timing of any of the applications. The problem that we aim to solve in this work is to enable real-time applications to perform independent execution and power management without violating their timing requirements or invalidating the timing verification of concurrently executing applications. To solve this problem, we contribute the Composable and Predictable Microkernel (CoMik) to composably and predictably virtualise processors. When used in combination with composable and predictable memory controllers and interconnect (as provided by the Composable and Predictable System-on-Chip (CompSOC) platform), these virtual processors cannot interfere with each other’s timing by even a single cycle. If whatever executes on the virtual processors (e.g. an Operating System (OS) or an application directly) has a real-time requirement, it can be verified independently of whatever executes on the concurrent virtual processors and other virtual resources. To enable formally analysable application execution, we contribute the Predictable Operating System (POSe) that enables dataflow applications to be executed on the (virtualised) processor. We contribute a combined application and platform dataflow graph, including an algorithm to automate this process. When annotated with worst-case timings, the combined application and system graph is then used to verify that the application meets its timing requirement. If the application’s performance is better than its requirement (e.g. when the input or platform behaviour are better than worst case), its performance can be reduced using DVFS to achieve a reduction in power consumption. We contribute an off-line convex optimisation that uses the combined application and platform dataflow model to derive static run-time operating frequency levels to achieve low power consumption. The off-line technique is able to exploit static slack in the schedule, but not dynamic run-time slack due to variations in task execution times. Before dynamic slack can be used it must be possible to observe it. For this purpose, CoMik provides independent power, energy and timing accounting per virtual processor. This enables each virtual processor to be assigned individual power and energy budgets and POSe applications to be assigned timing budgets. We contribute a description and model of how energy and power budgets can be distributed between multiple virtual processors, enabling whatever executes on the virtual processor to perform composable independent power-management without affecting the ability of other virtual processors from using their entire budget allocation. Using CoMik’s accounting infrastructure, we also demonstrate how the quality of applications can be dynamically scaled to assist meeting timing, energy or power requirements. We further contribute a distributed dynamic power management policy that enables dataflow applications that are mapped onto multiple (virtual) processors to make distributed dynamic slack observations and local power-management decisions. We demonstrate the applicability of the presented techniques on an implemented Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) prototype of a CompSOC hardware platform instance, using an H.263 decoder as a case-study application. We show that our techniques do not only work in theory, but that they are also implementable and implemented.