Service design around broken products

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The project started with the request from Dorel to support them in setting up the repair service. A user-centered approach to design the service was needed and a change in the mindset within the company was needed. The aim of the project was to enable Dorel to transform the UX of the event of a broken Dorel product in a positive one by a service. A company and consumer research were executed. In the company research was discovered that services are locally organized and a more user-centered mindset is needed at the company. The home delivery service concept was considered as most suitable service proposition for Dorel. The home delivery concept has a multifaceted consumer journey. Since the overall performance curve of a service is important, the whole journey needs to be mapped. Moreover, it became clear that for changing the mindset and implementing the service through Europe, a tool for the European service manager needed to be designed. In the consumer research the UX at the event of a broken product, the UX at the current repair service, and the evaluation of services in general were studied. This resulted in the identification of the desired UX, which is represented by six principles. For establishing a positive UX, the tool should enable Dorel to apply the six principles. In the design phase the service structure was formed. It is a pattern of principles on the different phases of the consumer journey of the home delivery proposition. Different ideas for the tool were generated. Finally a workshop kit for Dorel’s service manager is developed: The Repair journey kit. In the workshop the service manager makes the touchpoints for the repair service together with the local employees. The advantages of the Repair journey kit are: Touchpoints are locally adapted Commitment is created by working together on the journey Consumer-centered thinking is accomplished by showing video testimonials of consumers to the employees. The principles are integrated in the service structure which is generically applicable The evaluation of the Repair journey kit showed that thinking from the consumer perspective generated innovative touchpoint ideas. With the tool Dorel can differentiate itself from other players in the market.


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