Unlocking Innovation

Building a Design-Led Ambidextrous Organization

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By 2027 75% of today’s Fortune 500 companies will be gone. Randomly pursuing different ideas and hoping that at least one of them can turn into something innovative is not enough anymore. We need to design organizations that can continuously create human-centered innovation. The construct of design-led ambidexterity (DLA) can support us in doing so.

This graduation project was carried out together with Barco with the intention to unlock the innovation potential of its employees by creating a solid foundation for DLA. To do so, a thorough qualitative research was carried out to discern the challenges Barco faces, its current process structure and an optimal way to develop design capabilities. These aided the design of a new solution that will help Barco reach the state of a well-orchestrated innovation flow supported by employees who share the same mental model and level of capabilities.